First, a little about us.
We are a group of churches committed to helping other biblically conservative churches get started and strengthened in the state of Arizona, including sub-networks Vision Tucson and Vision Yuma.
We offer funding, extensive coaching and have a track record of over 90% successes. We are the church planting network for the state of Arizona for Converge Southwest, one of the ten US districts of Converge.

Vision Arizona is one of the leading church planting organizations in America.
Dr. Ed Stetzer
Becoming a planter with us is simple.
The first step is to simply apply to become a candidate. Click the button in the top right corner, it only takes a few minutes!
Our assessment process considers several factors. If you are considered for assessment, further detail of this step will be provided.
This 18-month program is designed to give hands-on experience working with Vision Arizona churches with personal coaching and competency-based training.

"Vision Arizona provided essential information and coaching to not only be a successful church plant, but to also have healthy church structures. The quality of the assessment process, coaching, and creative ideas is top notch and a great encouragement while in the trenches. Most importantly, Vision Arizona helped keep our focus on the power and presence of the Lord."
Lee Stephenson, Converge Executive Director of Church Planting

"Being a part of Vision Arizona is like being adopted into a new family that loves and cares for your well being and growth, in your personal life and ministry. They have walked along beside us with open arms not afraid to give us the real objective truth about our church. Their support through coaching, prayer, and finances have helped us get closer to reaching our city and being the hands and feet of Jesus in Yuma."
Jason Taylor, Church Planter, The Vertical Church
We are better together.
Call it a community/network/cohort or whatever you like, we call it family. We consider each of our church planting partners, no matter the size and history of their church, to be essential to our mission.
Our amazing network of churches.
What's so great about AZ?
Unchurched People
According to a recent Barna study, Phoenix ranks #13 on the “unchurched cities in the U.S.” list with 74% of the population of the state not being in church.
Happiness is High
Parts of the Phoenix metro area consistently being ranked on the “happiest cities” lists each year. That’s a good thing and a bad thing for telling people that they need Jesus.
Transplant Destination
A large number of the population of Arizona is from another part of the country. This means that there a lots of opportunities for churches to find people looking for a community.
Community Growth
The rapid growth of the population helps with the success of our church plants but it also means a bigger responsibility to meet the needs of the people God has placed in our neighborhoods.
I've still got some questions.
So, are you ready to join us?
Start the process by clicking the button and taking the assessment first step.